About Us

Our Story

We are aliens. Very tiny aliens. We’ve invaded Earth, but you probably didn’t realize it — primarily because we are quite small. Like a lady bug could easily squash us. This site chronicles our adventures — in podcast format. Scared? I probably wouldn’t be. Unless you’re a dust-mite or something. Are you a dust-mite? Because if you are . . . then you should be — oh my, dust mites are huge! HELP!!!

Meet the Creators

Greetings Earthlings authors, Eric Friedman (left) and Paul Fisher (the other left) at the 2003 Bowling for Penguins — Charity Event (prior to being arrested). They are facing the wrong way.

This is the most recent picture we could find of voice actor, Jeff Madden — at home in his drum dungeon.


Eric Friedman (author, amateur voice actor, theme music writer and performer, budget laugh track):

Eric once lived near Montague Street in a studio up the stairs, no music in the cafes at night, gentrification in the air. So he picked up and went overseas and thus began a lifelong journey of striving to see his world from a different perspective. Currently that would be the perspective of the tiny aliens hosting this podcast, who are trying to sort out just where human civilization ranks in the broader scheme of things. Spoiler alert: the search for intelligent life continues. When not writing or recording this podcast, Eric enjoys playing music, ultimate frisbee, linguine and clam sauce, and wearing pants. He also has a wife and two teenage children, who barely acknowledge the existence of this podcast, hence the short shrift given them here. (Note to self: edit this bio before the wife sees it.)

Paul Fisher (author, producer, amateur voice actor, chief distraction specialist):

Paul once had an unfortunate accident in a supermarket, that left a terrible stain on his . . . reputation. He bounced back from that episode by starting his own business, and even inventing his own line of pants — with a built-in toilet system. The slogan was the key: “We put the P back in Pants!”.. sensing a theme here? Paul continues to reside in the city that proclaims to be the "center of the universe" but is actually millions of light years from the actual center of the universe, which thanks to this podcast we all now know is near Rom 9. When not re-learning how to use Logic or Squarespace, Paul enjoys shopping for microphones, skateboarding, and falling. You can hear Paul’s daughter featured in some of the episodes.  

Jeff Madden (professional voice actor, singer, videographer, principal sounding board saving the audience from harebrained plot schemes):

Jeff hails from the Midwest but don't hold that against him. His professional voice acting chops lend some gravitas and... what's the word we're looking for... "skill" to the podcast recording sessions. A videographer, musician, and comic sketch actor, Jeff promises to steal the show once the podcast hits Broadway. Literally. Like stealing props and microphones, etc. He has a disorder. When Jeff's not recording the podcast, he enjoys performing in multiple bands, cheering on the White Sox and (for some reason) the Packers, developing new and exciting taffy, and spending time with his wife, family and hairless pet badger, Princess Choo-Choo. 

Humor Quotient

Polling data on how funny we think we are, compared with reality